Tuesday, 17 June 2014

My Workshops at the Taylors Hill Neighbourhood House - Term 3, 2014

Please find details about my workshops for term 3 2014 at the Taylors Hill Neighborhood House below. 

While I pre-plan all of my workshops to ensure we cover all of the relevant topics in an effective and engaging way, I tweak the programs to suit individual groups' skills and interests. 

There is also lots of time for questions.

Please note that the Pro GamerS (PGS) computer gaming group now runs from 4pm to 6pm on Friday afternoons. To book you or your child's place for term 3 2014 (beginning 18 July), please call Melton Youth Services on 9747 5421. 


1 comment:

Rebecca Virginia said...

Great article with excellent idea! Thank you for such a valuable article.
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